Tour Eiffel
“In architecture, a folly is a building constructed primarily for decoration but either suggesting through its appearance some other purpose, or merely appearing to be so extravagant that it transcends the normal range of garden ornaments or the class of building to which it belongs.” Ostentatious, extravagant, ornate, beautiful, and possibly the largest folly in the world, the Tour Eiffel has a place somewhere in everyone’s subconscious and (dare I say it), hearts. is appeal, and my love of the city of Paris willed me to look at it from a different angle. I wanted to see how it was viewed from the many different residents of Paris, who can see it from their apartment windows, all around the city. Each window frames the tower from a different distance and angle, allowing it to play a role alongside the objects within the room, almost like a fairy tale castle in a children's book. Whilst viewing the tower from different apartments, the viewer has a sense of experiencing part of the residents’ lives, sharing a connection with others who can also see it. Paris is much more than an architectural folly - but if you wanted an anchor to view Paris from, it would probably be the iconic Tour Eiffel.