Bird Cages
The Bird Cage Project, explored the partnership of birds and owners, prompting thoughts on confinement, without their natural habitat, fitting into a domestic home. Whether Birds are brought in as a companion or not, their presence in the home environment creates a visual power within the living space. There is also a distinct likeness between the birds and the décor around them, giving an insights into different aspects of the owner’s life. While the obvious answer would be to suggest that the birds were chosen to t into their surroundings, it is worth considering whether the colours and set-up of the homes have, in fact, been inspired by the birds The images convey a range of colour, energy and details, capturing the change of landscape but not the view point, creating a clear narrative and profile of the birds and the owners.

As soon as saw this, I instantly knew that I wanted to create a series of images about birds fitting into a domestic, home environment and how the visual power of these animals affects a man-made setting. It’s quite common to keep birds in Spain, so Barcelona seemed like a natural choice to find subjects - as it’s large but easy to navigate.